How To Maintain Car Air Filter

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How To Maintain Car Air Filter


In modern society, more people have owned personal cars. On one hand, car brings people convenience. On the other hand, it caused many car accidents. Therefore, in order to avoid these car accidents happen, pay more attention to the maintenance of car is so necessary. In order to increase the working efficiency of car engine, the maintenance of car air filter is also very necessary. Now let's get to know how to maintain car air filter.

The first step of how to maintain car air filter is avoiding driving car in places where air quality is poor. Car air filter as a replaceable component of the intake system designed to catch the dirt and other foreign particles in the air so as to preventing them from entering the system and possibly damaging the engine. If you drive cars in places where air quality is poor, your car air filter might be retied ahead of time. Therefore, choose places with good air quality to drive cars as possible.

The second step of how to maintain car air filter is to know the changing period of car air filter and change it in time. Having a clean air filter is important for your car's performance. This means that Super Fine Filters should be changed regularly, or the vehicle's gas mileage will suffer. Some experts recommend changing your air filter as often as every 3,000 miles, along with changing the oil. Others say that's a little too excessive and that you should simply use your judgment in visually spot-checking the air filter and change it out when it looks dirty. Your best bet, of course, is to consult the owner's manual or a model-specific guide from a publisher such as Haynes or Chilton for the vehicle in question. Then follow the manufacturer's recommendations on type and frequency of replacement filter. In any case, it's a smart and proactive policy to at least inspect the air filter every 6,000 miles. It costs nothing to look, and it could save you from expensive repairs down the road.

The third step of how to maintain car air filter is to know how to clean car air filter. You have to know where your filter located is. Take a look to locate your filter if you have the manual for your vehicle. If you choose to use soap, place the filter in a bucket with a soapy water solution. Swish it around and pull it out. Shake the filter to get as much liquid out as you can. Set it down on a towel to dry. Be sure to allow plenty of time to be sure it is completely dry. For those who prefer the vacuum cleaner approach, run the vacuum over the Fine filter for a minute or so on each side. Look it over again and remove anything that is left on the outside. The final step is to put the car air filter back in. Reverse the process you used to open it. Remember that rather than paying to have a new filter put in you can save some money by doing it yourself.

After learning this information about how to maintain car air filter, you must have a full understanding now. We hope this information is useful to you. If you are in need, you can visit to get more information.