Do You Know How To Maintain Carbon Filter

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Do You Know How To Maintain Carbon Filter


In modern society, carbon filter is popular among people. They use carbon filters to filter the water or air they use for consumption. There are many different types and sizes of Carbon filter product on the market, which makes how to maintain carbon filter more complicated. Although it is impossible to give exact steps for every carbon filter on the market, there are general guidelines of how to maintain carbon filter. As carbon filter is more useful in removing contamination in the water, what we talked here is mainly how to maintain carbon water filters.

When using any type of acid and water combination always use the strictest of safety precautions. Place all of your items outside or only in an area with great ventilation. Breathing in acid can cause burning of the nasal cavity, migraines, vomiting and other ailments. Wear your rubber gloves, facemask and safety goggles to protect you from the chemicals. It is also a good idea to wear old clothing including a long-sleeve shirt and a hat. Take both of your buckets outside along with the rest of your materials. Fill one of the buckets with half gallon of plain water. Wait for the water to come to room or outside temperature. Fill the glass measuring cup with two cups of muriatic acid. Make sure you have the plastic stirrer ready. Slowly add the muriatic acid to the water stirring it continuously with the plastic stirrer. Never add water to acid as it creates a chemical reaction which causes dangerous fumes to form and, in some cases, can cause an explosion.

The carbon Water Filter will get very dirty over time which will cause it to not filter properly. Use the high-pressure hose to wash out the carbon water filter. Spend extra attention on areas that appear to have severe calcium build-up or rust. The water will dislodge all of the loose debris and particles. Spray down each side of the filter to ensure maximum effect. The hose only removes so much of the calcium and other debris. The muriatic acid will be the final nail in the coffin of getting the carbon water filter clean and ready to use. After the filter has been hosed off place it inside the bucket of water and acid. Make sure the filter sinks to the bottom of the bucket. Place the bucket in an area with good ventilation or outside and let it alone for about a week.

After five days the acid has done its work and has eaten away at the calcium and other materials. It also refreshes the carbon inside the filter. Fill the second bucket with half gallon of clean water. Remove the Filter from the acid bath with the tongs and place it in the clean water. Let it soak in the water for five minutes then rinse it off with the hose. This is the way of how to maintain carbon filter. If you are in need of carbon filter, you can visit to get more detailed information.